Council Blogs

Mayor and Council get in the Canada Day spirit.

Wishing Canada a happy birthday

This long weekend we’re marking the start of summer in Abbotsford with our annual Canada Day celebration at Exhibition Park.

As a City Council we love events that bring the community together in the spirit of joy and unity and we’re excited to…

Councillors Driessen and Barkman visited Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery as part of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Agriculture Bus Tour.

Getting a closer look at our agriculture industry

A recent tour of several members of our local agricultural sector highlighted again how significant agriculture is in and for our community, and how it’s connected to everything we do.

On June 14 Mayor Siemens and Councillors Barkman, Chahal…

Mayor and Council congratulate this year’s crop of graduating students.

Congratulations to the Classes of 2024!

Educational and vocational pursuits prepare our residents and serve as a solid foundation for their future endeavours. As a Council, we want to take a moment to recognize this year’s graduating classes.

Grads of 2024, this one is for you.

On June 3, Mayor Siemens, Merritt Mayor Michael G. Goetz, Princeton Mayor Spencer Coyne and former Abbotsford mayor Henry Braun held a joint press conference after all three communities were denied federal flood mitigation funding.

Changes needed to federal disaster relief and mitigation funding

As you may have heard through media reports earlier this week, the federal government has turned down the City of Abbotsford’s application for vital flood mitigation funding from the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF). This is a…

Caption: In this Council Blog post, each of us is sharing some areas of community building that we’re looking forward to in the year to come.

How we’re building community in Abbotsford

Today, the inaugural Mayor’s address to the business community luncheon is taking place at the University of the Fraser Valley. You can view the recording here. The theme of the event for this year is “Building Community.” Each resident, business and…