The City is responding to the need for housing diversity and affordability, with several initiatives underway to ensure that all residents can thrive in Abbotsford for years to come.
Housing Targets
On September 26, 2023, the Province of BC issued Housing Targets for the City of Abbotsford under the Housing Supply Act.
Housing Needs Report
In 2018 the Province of BC adopted legislation requiring all local governments to collect and analyze data identifying current and future housing needs. In response, in 2021 the City of Abbotsford prepared the Housing Needs Report.
In 2023, the Province updated the legislation, requiring that all local governments adopt an Interim Housing Needs Report, based on a new methodology (the HNR Method) by January 1, 2025.
On November 5, 2024 Council received the Interim Housing Needs Report, which amends, and should be read in tandem with, the 2021 Housing Needs Report.
Housing Supply
The City is updating the OCP with an emphasis on increasing housing supply. Visit Let’s Talk Abbotsford to learn more and get involved.
In late 2023 the Province introduced legislation aimed at increasing housing supply across BC. Some of the implication for Abbotsford include:
Updating the Housing Needs Report based on new methodology
Updating the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw to accommodate the 20-year housing need identified in the Housing Needs Report
Prohibition on holding public hearings for residential development applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan
Implementing Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing by permitting up to 4 units on properties within the Urban Development Boundary otherwise zoned for single-detached and/or duplex dwellings, and one accessory unit on all properties city-wide zoned for single-detached dwellings.
Updating the DCC Bylaw to reflect expansion of eligible infrastructure and coordinating the existing CAC Policy with a new ACC Bylaw to help fund community amenities.
The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) is a $4 billion competitive grant program that encourages local government initiatives to increase housing supply. To apply for funding, local governments were required to develop a Council-approved Action Plan with seven initiatives to increase housing supply. On May 19, 2023, Council approved the City’s Action Plan and directed staff to submit an application. Based on the proposed Action Plan, the City was approved for up to $25.6 million from the HAF. To receive the full amount of funding, the City must implement the Action Plan and permit the expected number of units over the next three years.
Redesignate land for ground-oriented, multi-unit housing along arterial roads
Rezone the infill area to permit as-of-right infill development
Enable the development of affordable housing on City-owned properties
Development Application Process Review
Expand Density Bonus Program
Amend the Neighbourhood Centre land use designation
Based on the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund commitment, a new Secondary Suite Incentive Program was approved by Council on July 30, 2024. The goals of the program are to:
Incentivize the addition of new secondary suites to existing homes and the registration of existing suites that are not currently registered
Ensure suites are registered and safe for occupancy
To achieve these goals, the program offers financial and regulatory incentives that make it attractive, fast, transparent, and less expensive to register a secondary suite, without compromising life or occupant safety.
In 2020, Abbotsford City Council adopted the Affordable Housing Strategy which guides the City’s investment in and decisions about affordable housing in Abbotsford.
The 2016 update to Abbotsford’s OCP set out a vision for a future city of 200,000 people and identifies key aspirations that underpin the overarching vision statement – which reads as follows: Abbotsford is a city of distinct and increasingly complete neighbourhoods rich with public life. Our compact urban area is anchored by a thriving City Centre and surrounded by remarkable natural areas and flourishing agricultural lands. We are diverse, inclusive and connected. We are green prosperous and healthy. We are a vibrant and beautiful community.
One of these key aspirations is that the City have more affordable ownership, rental, and supported housing including a variety of housing types for all stages of life, allowing people to stay in their neighbourhoods as they age. This aspirational statement sets the direction for specific actions, policies and measures that the City can take with regards to diverse and affordable housing options.
The Affordable Housing Strategy updates identifies potential actions and tasks that could be undertaken by the City and its partners over the next five years, in order to build on current and emerging funding programs from both provincial and federal governments. With substantive changes in capital funding available both through the Province of British Columbia and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in the last two to three years, a five-year time frame was selected to ensure that Abbotsford remains responsive to potential changes in funding priorities from senior government.
Functionally, the plan provides 2 key Strategy Areas where the City can apply a focus over the next 5 years.
Increase the availability of diverse housing options for all stages of life across the housing continuum.
The following actions are intended to build on existing City-led measures to develop and protect a range of new housing forms. Specifically, they prioritize areas that can make projects more viable (incentives) or strengthen investment from other funding sources (land acquisition).
Use local government levers to facilitate affordable housing development and diversify housing options.
Increase funding and investment supports for affordable housing projects.
Explore land acquisition opportunities.
Preserve and maintain existing affordable housing stock.
Collaborate and innovate with existing and new community partners in the delivery, preservation, and operation of housing options.
The following actions are intended to inform the City’s response to emerging federal and provincial housing investments. They ensure that the City and its partners are well-positioned to access the resources and programs over the next five to ten years put in place through these programs.
Identify opportunities to implement the Housing Strategy through federal and provincial funding programs, and community partnerships with Indigenous, non-profit and private sector partners.
Work with partners to advocate to increase investment in housing in Abbotsford and collaborate on solutions.
Build local capacity and knowledge to innovate on housing.
Develop education and outreach approaches for engaging with residents and stakeholders around affordable housing.
The Plan also identifies tasks for the City pertaining to Strategy implementation as follows
As with any municipal strategy, recognizing the links between this Housing Strategy, and the OCP and other existing master plans is critical to the success of this Strategy. The considerations below are less about concrete and discrete actions that will impact the development of housing across the continuum, and more about ensuring that specific considerations are given to internal alignment with existing plans and policies.
Ensure that Housing Priorities Align with Existing Plans This Housing Strategy takes direction from the OCP and stakeholder and community engagement in recommending specific actions and tasks. However, there are a number of other plans that should be considered during implementation. The following should be considered in implementing the Housing Strategy:
Neighbourhood Plans
Transportation and Transit Master Plan
Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan
Homelessness in Abbotsford Action Plan
Some of the most impactful actions the City can take regarding housing, such as identifying existing City land appropriate for development or the incentivization or particular types of housing, could cost resources. Appropriate municipal financial planning will be a key component of ensuring that the City can adequately resource the commitments articulated in this Strategy.
Additionally, the extent to which the City is able and willing to incentivize a range of types of housing may need to be prioritized based on the level of need in the community and what level of affordability that development is able to offer. For example, a market rental building may be offered modest parking reductions and a partial or no waiver of DCCs, while developments with deeper affordability may receive a full DCC waiver and a more significant reduction of parking requirements. Determining the extent of these incentives will allow the City to maximize the impacts it can make with regards to new housing and limited resources.
As noted above, neighbourhood plans are core plans that need to be considered when implementing this Strategy. Additionally, working with neighbourhoods proactively to identify opportunities for suitable affordable housing developments can be key in reducing neighbourhood resistance to new affordable developments. Strategy 1 identifies tasks for identifying potential land and sites for affordable housing, while Strategy 2 identifies tasks that provide direction on how this can be implemented. Ensuring that neighbours and neighbourhoods remain informed about potential developments and are able to provide input at key junctures will be vital to the success of future projects.
Nonmarket Housing and Emergency Shelters
In Abbotsford, the complexity of homelessness requires a multifaceted approach to housing solutions. Emergency shelters and nonmarket housing, provided by the Province through the Ministry of Housing and BC Housing, specifically targeted towards individuals experiencing homelessness (unsheltered and sheltered) encompasses a variety of types, each designed to meet the specific needs and circumstances of individuals and families within our community.