Culture Connect: Culture Strategy
The Culture Connect: Culture Strategy outlines commitments to supporting and advancing arts, culture, and heritage within the City of Abbotsford. The strategy was developed over two years and is based on extensive research, community engagement, and consultation with the local culture sector. The goals, objectives, and key actions it outlines guide work not only within Culture Services, but across the City as a whole.
The strategy identifies four goals including: Municipal Leadership, Spaces & Places, Connections & Community, and Offerings & Awareness. From these areas, “Five Big Moves” have been prioritized, including Cultural Recovery, Indigenous Engagement, Service Delivery, Cultural Policy, and Awareness.
Culture Connect: Culture Strategy
Public Art Policy and Program Review
The City of Abbotsford is currently conducting a Public Art Policy and Program Review. The updated policy and program will provide overall direction for municipal, community and private public art and will help guide decisions on public art projects and placement in the community. You can learn more about the Public art Policy and Program review at Let’s Talk Abbotsford.