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The City of Abbotsford publishes bylaws, policies, road works notices, public hearings, events and other related information in the Abbotsford News and the Punjabi Patrika.  

Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Council Meetings; City App; Notice of Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Abbotsford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2016 and Notice of Council…
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Permissive Property Tax Exemption For 2026 Tax Year; Notice of Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Abbotsford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2016 and…
Abbotsford Police Board; Let's Talk Abbotsford; Community Clean Up; Council Meetings; Curbside Glass Collection
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; ATTENTION: Bulk Water Customers; Community Clean Up  2025; Let's Talk Abbotsford; Council Meetings
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; ATTENTION: Bulk Water Customers; Notice of Public Information Meeting and Online Engagement Portal; Council Meetings
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Let's Talk Abbotsford; Council Meetings; Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 2520; COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Call For…
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Let's Talk Abbotsford; Council Meetings; Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 2520; Council Advisory Committee Call For…
Notice of Public Information Meeting and Online Engagement Portal; Council Meetings; Affordable Housing Opportunity Harmony Townhouses, 2220 McKenzie Road
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to theAbbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Council Meetings; Notice of Public Information Meeting and Online Engagement Portal
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Council Meetings; Notice of Public Information Meeting and Online Engagement Portal
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Let's Talk Abbotsford; Council Meetings
Notice of Council Consideration Regarding Amendments to the Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014; Lets Talk Abbotsford; Council Meetings
Council Meetings; Canada Post Disruptions
Council Meetings; Canada Post Disruptions
Draft Budget 2025-2029; Council Meetings; Canada Post Disruptions