Watermain Flushing

Watermain flushing is an important maintenance procedure.  The City flushes watermains to improve water quality and pressure by removing sediment and scale that builds up in the watermains over time. The flushing procedure will take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours and will occur between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm.

After flushing in your neighborhood, you may experience a short period of discolored water or temporary low water pressure. The discolored water has no harmful health effects but it may appear, taste or smell unpleasant. If discoloration of your water occurs, you should run a cold water tap nearest where your water line enters your house until the water becomes clear, If it doesn't become clear within 15 minutes or if your water pressure does not recover to normal levels, please call the City Water Department at 604-853-5485.

Customer Information

Maps of Water Main Notification Areas

Frequently Asked Questions