Water & Sewer Rates

Utility Rate Increase

Council approved a 2.5% increase to water rates and a 4 % increase to sewer rates in January 2025. Effective March 1, 2025, the Residential/Commercial/Institutional water rate will be $1.42/m3 and sewer rate will be 1.30/m3. Industrial/Agricultural water rate will be $1.29/m3 and the sewer rate will be $1.16/m3. Water and sewer utility rates are reviewed annually as part of the budgeting process to ensure adequate funding for the maintenance, operation and infrastructure renewal costs. 

Water Rates

There is a 5% discount on current charges paid by the due date.

Refer to the Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2006 - Bylaw No. 1532-2006, Schedule "I" Water Rates for other rates & charges currently in effect. 

Sanitary Sewer Rates

There is a 5% discount on current charges paid by the due date.  

Sewer volume is equal to 90% of metered water volume.

Refer to the Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2006 - Bylaw No. 1532-2006, Schedule "H" Sewer Rates for other rates & charges currently in effect.

Water & Sewer Classes

Non-residential customers are separated into four groups for the purpose of applying water and sewer utility rates. Due to the diversity of zoning, land use contracts and the actual use of properties, the classification of non-residential properties can be on a case by case basis. Where a property has more than one zoning classification the lower utility rate is typically applied. Land Use Contracts take precedence over zoning. 

Check your utility bill for the water and sewer description to know which classification is applied to your property.