The City of Abbotsford recognizes that traffic safety has a big impact on the sustainability and livability of our community. The City uses a collaborative approach to reduce the number and severity of road-related collisions.
By integrating the three E's - Engineering, Education and Enforcement - the City works together with other agencies to create a safer environment for all road users including motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and users of other mobility devices. Engineering uses proven road safety measures to address issues related to the infrastructure and flow of traffic on roadways. This includes the installation and maintenance of sidewalks, traffic lights, signage, traffic calming measures and crosswalks.
address "black spot" (high crash) locations
introduce proven road safety measures on an area-wide basis
develop customized traffic flow or calming techniques that reflect local conditions
incorporate "safety conscious planning" in both land use and transportation
plan initiatives to ensure that safety is an explicit priority
Education uses various communication methods to increase public awareness on road safety issues. These include:
Speed Reader Trailers
Child Passenger Safety initiatives
Speed Watch
Media Campaigns and Community Awareness activities.
Following are some of the education activities related to traffic safety:
Speed Reader Trailer and Speed Watch deployments to increase awareness on speed
School Zone lawn signs in the fall and spring to remind drivers that school is back in session
Supports school safety activities including Way To Go; Boost BC; Road Safety Day; Student Parking Program, Walking Angels
Supports child passenger safety initiatives including child car seat clinics; educational sessions for parents and caregivers; workshops for professionals working with parents and children.
Enforcement of the traffic laws promotes the safe use of the City’s roads. Through both targeted campaigns like 'Counter Attack'; '3 Strikes You're Out'; and on-going enforcement activities, the Abbotsford Police and the Integrated Road Safety Unit (IRSU) are important partners in our goal to make the streets safe for all road users.
Following are some of the traffic safety activities related to enforcement:
addresses a full range of safety issues, including speeding, aggressive driving, impaired driving and occupant protection
combines with education and engineering for the "3 E's" of an effective speed management program and child passenger safety program