Road infrastructure is vital to the community and ensures the City can support a vibrant economy by ensuring the movement of goods, services and people from point A to point B in an efficient and safe manner. The City utilizes a Pavement Management System which, based on pavement condition, traffic volume and vehicle weights, predicts how the pavement will deteriorate over time. Staff use this model to predict when the roads should be resurfaced to obtain maximum service life, at least cost, and to avoid expensive reconstruction.
2024 Project Overview
Council approved a budget of $4.497 million to apply surface treatment on an annual basis. The 2024 resurfacing program is detailed below and is based on information from the Pavement Management Model, customer requests and staff observations.
South Fraser Way (Ware Street - McCallum Road)
Maclure Road (Clearbrook Road - Trethewey Street)
Gladwin Road (George Ferguson Way - South Fraser Way)
McMillan Road (Marshall Road - Mila Street)
George Ferguson Way (Gladys Avenue - Fuller Street)
Harris Road (Beatty Road - East end)
Kingfisher Drive (Upper Maclure - South end), Kingfisher Place
Gardner Avenue (Townline Road - West end), Gardner Court
The roadwork will take place between April and September 2024. Information signs will be installed at each work location informing customers about the construction activity. In addition, fronting properties will be notified by hand-delivered letter about five days before the start of construction.
Construction activity will be restricted to the hours of 7:00 am to 7:00 pm (Monday to Friday), and 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (Saturday). The Contractor will provide a minimum of 24 hours advance notice of any required service or traffic interruptions that will affect area residents, businesses and utility owners.
The contractor will be required to keep streets open to through traffic during normal business hours, although some redirection of traffic may be necessary. Traffic control personnel will be present to direct vehicles and pedestrians safely. Temporary parking restrictions may also be required for the proposed works.
Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions about summer maintenance, please email Shane Kamstra, Manager of Roads, Maintenance and Construction or call 604-853-5485.