Business Licences

All business within Abbotsford providing professional, personal or other service for the purposes of gain or profit require a valid business licence. This ensures that all business locations meet zoning requirements.  

The City of Abbotsford does not register business names, or issue GST & PST numbers. Contact Corporate Online at 1-800-663-6102.

Business Licence FAQs

  • Allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks from the submission of your application to issuance.
  • A business licence is valid for a 12-month period from the date of issuance.
  • The annual base fee for a Business Licence starts at $130. 

Manage Business Licence

Inter-Municipal Business Licences

Inter-Municipal Business Licences are available in the Fraser Valley. For an additional $250, eligible mobile businesses can be licenced to work in all eleven participating municipalities. 

Signage & Premises Guidelines

When opening the premises of your business, some steps and permits must be secured first. All businesses located within the City of Abbotsford require an inspection. The Licence Inspector will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time for the inspection.

A permit is required for any building modifications made and any new plumbing installed including sprinklers. Paint, carpeting or cosmetic changes do not require a permit.

All signs, other than signs located on a residential property to advertise a home-based business, require permits. A Sign Permit Application can be completed online. Signs for home-based businesses do not require permits, but must comply with the regulations as outlined for Identification Signs in the Sign Bylaw No. 3429-2023. Contact the Building Permits & Licences Division for more information.

Business Licence Inquiry Meeting Requests