Yard waste collected in the City's curbside collection program is also accepted for drop off at Pacific Coast Renewables Corp. Direct drop off allows larger yard waste items to be disposed of without having to cut them up into sections to meet curbside collection requirements. Abbotsford residents that receive curbside collection service from the City can participate in the City's yard waste coupon program that provides drop off of extra yard waste for no additional charge.
The curbside cart collection guide is sent to homes in the curbside collection program each year in early December. The guide contains the curbside collection schedule and other useful information on the curbside program. The first page of the guide also contains six yard waste drop off coupons. Each coupon is valid for one free drop off of yard waste at the Pacific Coast Renewables Corp. The maximum load accepted per coupon is limited to the equivalent of one 5x8 foot utility trailer to a maximum waste weight of one tonne. Pacific Coast Renewables Corp. is located at 5050 Gladwin Road.
Didn't Receive your Guide?
If you did not receive your guide in the mail or have misplaced your coupons, please contact us at 604-864-5640 or email waste@abbotsford.ca to request replacement coupons. Please note that replacement coupons can only be requested by the property owner and only one set of replacement coupons will be provided in any calendar year (January to December).