Current Utility Bill

Water & Sewer Bills

Customers are billed bi-monthly for water and sewer services, except for those customers in the Clearbrook Waterworks District. Customers are billed quarterly for sewer services in the Clearbrook Waterworks District. 

Important Messages

  • Our Payment Deadline: Receive a 5% discount on your utility bill if the payment is received by the due date printed on the bill.
  • Credit Cards Accepted for Online Payments: Utility payments can be made online with a credit card. A 1.75% service fee will apply.
  • Utility Payments for 2024: Any utility account balance outstanding at December 31, 2024 was transferred to your property tax account and is subject to daily interest charges.

Water and Sewer Bills Details

View the details below for the current water and sewer bills including their due dates, and the bill inserts that were included!