Culture City Event Registration

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The Raga Experience: Hriday Buddhdev & Akaljot Singh

Sunday, September 22 
5pm - 7pm
Matsqui Centennial Auditorium, 
32315 South Fraser Way

Join us for an evening of music and learning curated by Nina Buddhdev of the BANDISH network. The Raga Experience includes an illustrative presentation on the history and mechanics of the sarod and tabla, instruments used in Indian classical music. 

The event features an artist meet-and-greet and recital by CBC & VSO featured performer Hriday Raag on sarod and Akaljot Singh on tabla. Free, all ages welcome, registration required. Drop-ins will be accepted based on venue capacity.

Living Traditions: A day of Wellness, Traditional Textiles, and Discovery 

Saturday, September 28 
11am - 5:30pm
Open Space, 33660 South Fraser Way

Join us for day of movement, fashion, community, and learning curated by Nina Buddhdev of the BANDISH network. Attendance is free, with refreshments provided. Drop-ins welcome based on venue capacity.

Program Schedule:
11:00 - 12:30 Yogbhava: Meditative movement, voice & breathwork with facilitator Nina Buddhdev

2:00 - 4:00 Beyond Nine Yards: Women from the community gather to share stories of traditional attire, identity, and heritage. We will explore the histories of 9-yard textiles in cultural dresses. See a presentation and samples of cultural textiles; Chut Tai Chakkri from Thailand, the Shuka from Kenya, Lamba, from Madagascar, Baro'tsaya from the Philippines, and the Kimono from Japan. Dr Kusum Soni will model the traditional Indian Saree and the nuances of Solah Shringar, (adornment) Attendees are encouraged to wear their traditional attire and share their stories.

4:30 to 5:30 Community Spotlight : Live interview with Guest, Kusum Soni – An Abbotsford local community member who has championed multiculturism for over 10 years. We hear her story; learn about her contributions to the community and celebrate her achievements in Abbotsford.


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