Safe and Gradual Re-opening of City Recreation Spaces

Media Releases

The pool and arena at Matsqui Recreation Centre will re-open on August 10th for modified swimming activities such as lane swim, aqua fit, public swim and private arena bookings. MSA Arena will also re-open on August 17th for private bookings.

All other indoor recreation amenities remain closed, including fitness centres and Abbotsford Recreation Centre. The City of Abbotsford continues to prioritize re-opening through a safe and gradual approach in alignment with the Province of British Columbia’s Restart Plan. The re-opening of City amenities will be fluid and align with any and all new directives provided by the Provincial Health Officer.

The City of Abbotsford has developed safety plans for recreation offerings to ensure the well-being of patrons and staff in accordance with all Provincial health orders and guidance. Key safety measures include physical distancing in facilities and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting of commonly used surfaces.

To access indoor recreation options, users will be required to:

  • Pre-register and pay online through Direct2Rec or by phone (Drop-in options will not be available)
  • Abide by all safety protocols (These will be strictly forced)

The City has initiated various free outdoor recreation activities through its ‘Go Play Outside’ program including recreation season including outdoor fitness classes, outdoor sports programs, Culture Kits, and Volunteer Programs. Low cost summer camps for children 6-12 are also available.

Restarting Recreation

For more information, contact:

Alex Mitchell
Public Affairs Officer
T: 604 751 3092