Audible Bird Scare Devices

Audible bird scare devices (including propane cannons) are non-lethal tools used by farmers to minimize bird predation on crops. They emit an impulse sound that frightens birds away from crops. The use of these devices to protect crops is a common practice on blueberry, cherry, and grape farms. Some dairy and mink farmers use them as a pest control technique.

The City’s Bylaw is in place to ensure that the use of ABSDs is respectful of other residents. There are a number of dispersal tactics other than propane cannons that growers can use to address the negative effects of Starlings on crops and farm operations. These include, but are not limited to; activities such as: netting, falconry, streamers, hawk kites ribbons and bird trapping. Preferably ABSDs will be used as a last resort, after other methods of discouraging birds from eating farm produce have been exhausted.

The City requires that all growers have a bird management plan and expect farmers to monitor bird populations and activity on their properties to keep their records (bird management plan) up to date throughout the season. The use of the ABSDs should correlate with the bird pressure as noted by the farmer in this plan. If bird management plan documents are not kept up to date as required the City may issue fines accordingly.

The Audible Bird Scare Device Bylaw No. 2210-2013 requires that Farmers using propane cannons must register annually with the City of Abbotsford to ensure audible bird scare devices are used in a socially responsible manner.

Audible Bird Scare Devices Registration Requirements

  1. Complete the application form below.
  2. Download and complete the Bird Predation Management Plan (includes Fact Sheet). 

Submit the completed Bird Predation Management Plan to:

Bylaw Services, City of Abbotsford

32315 South Fraser Way

Abbotsford, BC  V2T 1W7


  • Current Applicant Information
  • Bird Control Manager
  • Property Information
  • Declaration
  • Preview
  • Complete

Items listed are required at time of submission of application. If any of the required documents are not included, the application will not be accepted.

Contact Name
Contact Address
Is the local contact information different from the applicant information?