What Thanksgiving means to us

The Thanksgiving long weekend is a time of celebration and personal reflection.
The Thanksgiving long weekend is a time of celebration and personal reflection.

Thanksgiving is the time of year when we reflect on the things that matter to us most and express gratitude for our family, friends and community.

In this blog post, Mayor and Council discuss Thanksgiving, what we are thankful for and what the holiday means to us.

Abbotsford City Council

Mayor Siemens 

R Siemens tartan

Thanksgiving is a time to pause and reflect on all our blessings. We live in an amazing community and have much to be thankful for. I am grateful for an engaged and supportive City Council and staff. I am particularly thankful for my friends, family and an understanding and supportive wife.

Councillor Sidhu

D Sidhu tartan

As Thanksgiving approaches this year, I have been reflecting on what this day means to me. I have always been thankful for the love and support of family. But this year, saying “I’m thankful for family” carries a much deeper meaning for me. As many of you know, my wife Ranjna is facing a significant health challenge. This has made me cherish every moment we share with our daughters even more. Ranjna’s strength and resilience are incredible, and it has reminded me of how precious life and loved ones truly are.

I am also eternally grateful for my community. My love towards my community is what drove me to serve on City Council. Helping to build and strengthen the community has always been my passion. But this year, my gratitude for my community has grown in ways I had never imagined. The amount of love, kindness and support that we’ve received during this challenging time has truly touched our hearts.

Thanksgiving reminds me that we are stronger together. It is a moment to recognize the power of connection and care. For that, I am truly thankful.

(Of course, the turkey and pumpkin pie are great too!)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Councillor Ross

P Ross_tartan

Thanksgiving is meant to be a time to reflect on what we are grateful for, but I do try to practise that every day. While we are grateful for our blessings, it is important to also consider those less fortunate and ask what we can do to help.

The fall is such a beautiful time to me, with trees changing colour in a stunning display of the best of nature. We are so busy with activities all summer, trying to take advantage of our few sunny days, that in the fall, it feels as if we allow ourselves permission to just sit, enjoy a good book and cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace, or walk amongst the falling leaves, taking time to see the beauty around us and experience peace.

Councillor Loewen

D Loewen tartan

I’m sure my grandparents focused on the annual harvests they were blessed with and this country that adopted them as they celebrated this special day each year. My circumstances are radically different than theirs were, and therefore, the focus of my thankfulness is more personal in nature. First and foremost, I am thankful for the love and support from the family I am surrounded by, the relatively good health I enjoy, my financial security, and the privilege to live and work in a country that is prosperous and stable beyond that which the majority of the world’s population is able to experience and enjoy.

Councillor Gibson

S Gibson tartan

Thanksgiving, for me, is about the people we cherish: family, friends and caring co-workers. These people are there for us even through challenging times. They are good listeners and know how to encourage.

Less personal perhaps is my appreciation for Canada, which is regarded as one of the freest countries in the world, even surpassing the United States and England. We have true democracy with veritable elections. No citizen is limited from voting and campaigning, though contentious, allows a thorough discussion of the issues. Freedom to worship is protected in Canada and, as a Christian, I appreciate that I won't be persecuted for my beliefs, which is not always the case in some other countries.

I'm very thankful for the many opportunities I have had to serve: teaching university students, serving on City Council and in the BC legislature. It is all a privilege which I can never take for granted.  

Thanksgiving is a special day, and I join with millions of other Canadians in celebrating the many blessings we have as a nation, province and community.

Councillor Driessen

P Driessen tartan

Thanksgiving offers a wonderful chance for me to pause and reflect with family and friends about what we’re grateful for. This year, I’m especially thankful for the revival of the events industry. It’s been exciting to see thousands come together to enjoy our Canada Day celebrations, Abbotsford Canucks games, Agrifair, the Air Show and so many other events throughout the year. Watching people reconnect in-person, support local vendors and make new friends has been uplifting. I’m also grateful for the community members who dedicate their time to volunteer in our schools, sports, places of worship and with the incredible non-profits that work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to serve others. Our City is a better place because of our volunteers. Lastly, I appreciate the kind and encouraging words from community members as I navigate my first term as a Councillor in Abbotsford. Your support means so much as I continue to learn and grow in this role.

Councillor Chahal

K Chahal tartan

Thanksgiving holds a special significance for me as a time of reflection and gratitude. It’s an opportunity to pause and appreciate the people and diverse experiences that enrich my life. Personally, I am thankful for my family and friends, whose support and love inspire me daily. Their presence reminds me of the importance of connection and community, celebrating our differences and supporting each other.

In my work with the City, I feel a deep sense of purpose. I am grateful for the chance to contribute to our community, making it a better place for everyone. Collaborating with dedicated colleagues and engaging with residents allows me to witness the impact of our collective efforts firsthand. This season, I appreciate the challenges we’ve overcome together and the positive changes we’ve fostered.

Thanksgiving is not just a day for me. It’s a reminder to carry gratitude into everyday life. By celebrating our achievements and the relationships we’ve built, I find renewed motivation to continue serving our community with passion and commitment.