How we’re building community in Abbotsford

Caption: In this Council Blog post, each of us is sharing some areas of community building that we’re looking forward to in the year to come.
In this Council Blog post, each of us is sharing some areas of community building that we’re looking forward to in the year to come.

Today, the inaugural Mayor’s address to the business community luncheon is taking place at the University of the Fraser Valley. You can view the recording here. The theme of the event for this year is “Building Community.” Each resident, business and non-profit plays a role in building a strong and connected community. Each member of our community brings unique skills, talents and perspectives to the table. By embracing diversity and fostering an environment of opportunity, we can unlock the full potential of Abbotsford and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

In this Council Blog post, each of us is sharing some areas of community building that we’re looking forward to in the year to come.

Mayor Siemens

R Siemens tartan

“As a vibrant and growing city, there are many important projects and initiatives on the go in Abbotsford that focus on building our community. At the heart of this work are the collaborations and partnerships that make it all possible.

Over the next 12 months, I look forward to continuing to build our relationships with our neighbouring First Nations governments and working with their leadership on issues and opportunities impacting all our residents. This includes hosting more frequent Council-to-Council meetings, participating in Abbotsford’s Indigenous Businesses Working Group, consulting on key City initiatives including the City’s Official Community Plan (OCP), introducing more cultural programing for our community, looking at ways to ensure our community has access to strong Provincial government supports, and of course, working together on long-term flood mitigation to protect our entire community.

I hope this work will help address some barriers in order to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to build a more connected community. No one person, government or group can tackle every challenge, issue or opportunity in a diverse city like Abbotsford. It takes everyone working together to make our city the best it can be.”

Councillor Warkentin

M Warkentin tartan

“The review of the OCP is one of our most important tasks. We will be setting the direction on key issues such as how to plan for a population of more than 250,000 people, how and where to zone for increased housing density, plans for new transit and how to make our city delightful and functional. We want to understand the issues and we want to hear from the residents of Abbotsford to build the city that you want to live in.”

Councillor Sidhu

D Sidhu tartan

“I am very excited about the comprehensive update of the OCP, known as Abbotsforward 2050. This initiative is designed to guide the city's growth and development for the next several decades. The update will refine successful elements of the previous plan and also address new challenges and opportunities to enhance livability and sustainability in our city.

Alongside the OCP update, the city is also developing an Accessibility Action Plan. This plan focuses on identifying, removing and reducing barriers for individuals with disabilities and other marginalized groups. It will help promote inclusivity and full community participation for everyone.

Both projects will heavily involve community input through surveys, engagement sessions and consultations with key stakeholders including local businesses, First Nations groups and educational institutions. These efforts are interconnected and aim to create a more accessible, vibrant and well-planned Abbotsford that meets the diverse needs of all its residents.”

Councillor Ross

P Ross_tartan

“I’m excited about the various initiatives to improve the quality of life in our city and I look forward to public input to ensure we are on the right track.

An important component of the livability of a community, particularly one with rapid development like ours, is its parks and urban forest. Along with combating climate change and keeping our community cooler in the rising heat, urban forests help to improve residents’ mental health and well-being. Updating our Tree Protection Bylaw will help preserve existing trees and grow our urban forest. Expanding and improving the features of Mill Lake Park through the development of the Master Plan will further add to our quality of life and attract visitors.

These are difficult economic times, so I’m also looking forward to our updated Business Retention and Expansion Strategy to help support our local businesses to grow and succeed, which will undoubtedly have a ripple effect through our community and benefit us all.”

Councillor Loewen

D Loewen tartan

“I see community in Abbotsford being nurtured in the next year through a variety of plans and initiatives.

The Montrose Exchange will greatly enhance the city’s ability to provide greater access to transit for more people, thereby bringing us together for community events. The Mill Lake Master Plan will expand the potential of the park in bringing us together to engage with one another, enjoy nature and celebrate community. The Community Accessibility Plan aims to reduce and remove barriers to individuals in our community, thereby allowing them to become more fully engaged in the community. Our OCP update will enable us to take advantage of opportunities for shaping the Abbotsford we aspire to be. Finally, I am optimistic that our Culture Connect Strategy will bear fruit, in that we will become a more inclusive community that invites all to the table and celebrates the diversity that can and will make us a strong and vibrant community.”

Councillor Gibson

S Gibson tartan

“As a communications, business and leadership instructor, and after many years of public service, I believe engaging in two-way communication with residents is the most important part of building community.  Whether it’s housing regulations, parks and recreation strategies or economic development, hearing what’s important to impacted community members lets us better connect with and understand the needs of our residents and helps inform Council’s direction.

Over the next 12 months, I’m especially looking forward to hearing feedback on proposed solutions for a commercial truck parking strategy, the development of a community accessibility plan and the Mill Lake Master Plan.”

Councillor Driessen

P Driessen tartan

“I’m really looking forward to our collaboration with Tourism Abbotsford to refresh our Canada Day celebrations this year. Whether participating in the parade or the afternoon family festival, there is something for everyone from all ages and backgrounds.

The Business Retention and Expansion Survey recently closed, and I look forward to staff working through the research and feedback to develop recommendations that will support our local business community.

Many residents have noticed the construction on the Montrose Transit Exchange in downtown Abbotsford and once completed later this summer, it will play an important role in building our community and supporting our future transit network and increased service levels. The new shelters, improved lighting, bike lockers and cycling amenities will be well-received by user groups.

Lastly, Parks, Recreation and Culture staff have been working diligently on our Arena and Aquatic strategies after council identified these as priority actions in our Strategic Plan. These in-depth reviews will identify current challenges and opportunities to effectively plan for and fund current needs and potential future facilities that support and strengthen our community.”

Councillor Chahal

K Chahal tartan

“I am looking forward to the continuous community interactions and engagement through one-on-one conversations, our Let’s Talk, Council Blog, and many public information sessions that are occurring.

Listening to our citizens is important to me because this is how I began my journey in social advocacy – by hearing the diverse stories and experiences each individual has, how they have overcome obstacles and what challenges they may be facing today.

I’m truly inspired by young people. When they speak with passion and genuine zeal to affect change, it allows me to feel that we are in good hands for the future.  Equally, seniors are our community stewards who have shaped what we all enjoy. It never fails to surprise me the similarities both youth and seniors have in wanting more opportunities to socialize in open spaces, engage in community events and participate in discussions about public safety.

I hope to hear from you so that we can keep the dialogue going and share our experiences and knowledge to help Abbotsford grow.”

Councillor Barkman

L Barkman tartan

“For me, as a City Councillor, the key to supporting our community is to get out and connect with Abbotsford residents in-person, wherever they may be.

Throughout the year, I participate in and attend events like the Bradner May Day and car shows throughout the summer. I meet as many community members as I can. By simply chatting with them, I come to understand what matters most to Abbotsford residents, what they care about and what’s important to them as Abbotsford continues to grow and change. I can then bring their thoughts and share their voices at the Council table, which can help to guide our conversations and decisions and help us build a more inclusive and connected community. I look forward to continuing these conversations this year.”

Abbotsford City Council