Getting a closer look at our agriculture industry

Councillors Driessen and Barkman visited Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery as part of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Agriculture Bus Tour.
Councillors Driessen and Barkman visited Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery as part of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Agriculture Bus Tour.

A recent tour of several members of our local agricultural sector highlighted again how significant agriculture is in and for our community, and how it’s connected to everything we do.

On June 14 Mayor Siemens and Councillors Barkman, Chahal and Driessen attended the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Agriculture Bus Tour along with BC Minister of Agriculture and Abbotsford-Mission MLA Pam Alexis. This year the theme was “sustainable agriculture” and the tour included stops at Maan Farms, Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, Fraser Valley Biogas and the Fraser Valley Gleaners.

The visit to Maan Farms provided us with an inside look at the strawberry greenhouse and winery and we learned how berry wine is made. At Campbell's Gold Honey Farm and Meadery we learned how beehives function, the importance of bees as pollinators and the human and environmental factors that put them at risk. At Fraser Valley Biogas we got a look at the equipment that turns organic waste into natural gas for FortisBC and fertilizer for farmers’ fields. The Fraser Valley Gleaners showed us how they take unwanted and unsellable vegetables and turn them into soup mix destined for people in need around the world.

Collectively, these four unique locations showcased the importance of sustainability in farming and proved that waste does not need to go to waste. They also highlighted how thoughtful, innovative and industrious our ag sector workers are.

A big thank you to the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce for organizing the Annual Agriculture Bus Tour again this year. Touring these sites and getting an up-close look at their operations helps to inform all of us on City Council as we continue to advocate for our agriculture and agritech industries. Farming has long been an integral part of our history, culture and economy here in Abbotsford, and it’s our duty to support those businesses and ensure they have what they need to thrive and reach their fullest potential.

Abbotsford City Council

Councillors Barkman and Driessen got a closer look at the equipment at Fraser Valley Biogas.
Councillors Barkman and Driessen got a closer look at the equipment at Fraser Valley Biogas.


Mayor Siemens watched volunteers at work at the Fraser Valley Gleaners.
Mayor Siemens watched volunteers at work at the Fraser Valley Gleaners.


Mayor Siemens and Councillor Chahal during a lunch break in the action at Maan Farms.
Mayor Siemens and Councillor Chahal during a lunch break in the action at Maan Farms.


Councillor Barkman enjoyed a fresh strawberry in the Maan Farms greenhouse.
Councillor Barkman enjoyed a fresh strawberry in the Maan Farms greenhouse.