The end of the year is a perfect time for reflection. For us as your City Council, 2024 was a year of action and progress toward our goal of building an inclusive, connected and sustainable community with a vibrant, growing economy.
This year was full of community spirit and celebration. Our signature Canada Day event was our biggest yet, drawing record-breaking crowds and showcasing the vibrancy and cultural diversity of Abbotsford. Throughout the year, we had the opportunity to attend countless community events, ranging from parades to festivals, fundraisers to seasonal celebrations, and everything in-between. At this year’s Civic Recognition Awards, we presented the Order of Abbotsford to violinist Dr. Calvin Dyck and the Community Champion Award to wrestler Jasmit Singh Phulka. As the cultural and economic hub of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford is clearly becoming a city where community connections are fostered and diversity is celebrated.
As your City Council, in 2024 we focused heavily on planning for the future. We streamlined the building application and permitting processes and approved residential development applications and issued building permits at an unprecedented pace. If this momentum continues, we’re on track to achieve the Province’s Year 5 housing targets, paving the way for more homes and opportunities for people looking to put down roots in our city.
And as we want those who live here to stay here and see a future for themselves and their families, we also focused on growing jobs and the local economy. We recently launched our new Business Retention and Expansion Survey and this year approved more than 600,000 square feet of commercial, industrial and institutional space, providing a foundation for industry growth and new employment opportunities.
While it’s impossible to capture every single one of the great works and advancements that have been made in our community during this past year, we’ve compiled a list of our Top 24 achievements of 2024.
We would like to acknowledge that many of our Top 24 achievements would not have been possible without the strong support and collaboration of our local businesses, industry associations, community organizations, service groups, residents and of course City staff, as well as the solid long-term strategies and plans that guide us as a Council. Together we made significant strides toward building the Abbotsford of tomorrow: a vibrant, thriving city for generations to come.
However you choose to celebrate this season, we wish you a safe and joyful holiday and all the best in the year ahead.
Abbotsford City Council