Patricia Ross

Councillor Patricia Ross, in a black blazer with a tartan sash around the neck.
Current Appointments
  • Chair, Agriculture Advisory Committee
  • Vice Chair, Public Safety Advisory Committee
  • Vice Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District Board
  • Board Director, Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District Board
  • Vice Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District Regional and Corporate Services Committee
  • Board Director, Union of BC Municipalities; UBCM 
  • Chair, Union of BC Municipalities Environment Committee 
  • Past Chair, Lower Mainland Local Government Association

Patricia Ross has served as a City Councillor since 1994 and is Vice Chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District, Past President of the Lower Mainland Local Government Association, a Member of the Board of the Union of BC Municipalities and Chair of the UBCM Environment committee and a member of the convention planning committee.

Patricia fully embraces sustainability principles in her work, considering the environmental, social and economic impacts in all decision making. She is a Fellow of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) International, a research and training program dedicated to fostering worldwide sustainability. Her research has taken her to Oaxaca, Mexico; Costa Rica; Zimbabwe; Argentina; Greece; and Turkey. She has been given many awards for her leadership in sustainability. 

For 14 years, Patricia ran her own business, the first in the FVRD to provide recycling collection services for businesses and multifamily residences. She served 12 years as Chair of GroYourBiz Fraser Valley, an advisory and mentoring board for women in business. 

Patricia is an occasional guest lecturer at the University of the Fraser Valley, leadership trainer, and speaker at conferences all over the world, including the 2004 International Climate Change Conference in Argentina about the rewards and challenges of environmental conservation in government.

Patricia is married and has a daughter and two granddaughters. Though she enjoys traveling to experience different cultures, she considers Abbotsford the most beautiful place to live, filled with amazing people that she is honoured to serve.

Key Projects

Appointed by the City to lead the opposition campaign as head of Media and Public Relations and chief lobbyist to fight against the Sumas Energy 2 (SE2) power plant proposal. Lasting 6 years, this precedent setting campaign ended in 2006 when the Canadian Court of Appeal upheld the National Energy Board’s decision to deny SE2 the right to build power lines in Canada. This victory protected our community’s airshed from harmful pollutants;

An advocate for better services for first responders and military experiencing PTSD and a former Victim Services volunteer; Instrumental in guiding and developing the FVRD SWMP (Solid Waste Management Plan);

Helped design the highly successful Abbotsford Community Services Waste Reduction Education Program for local schools; Continues to be an advocate for best practices for waste management; Chaired the City's first Homelessness Action Advisory Committee; and, initiated and guided the improvement of the City's Streamside Protection Bylaw. Patricia feels enriched by the knowledge she has gained, which helps her in her decision making.

Committees and Community Groups

Through 30 years of service for the City, Patricia served on a wide range of diverse committees representing all points of view including most recently; Chair, Agriculture Advisory Committee (2018 – 2022); Vice Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District Board (2018 – 2022); Fraser Valley Regional District Hospital Board (2018 – 2022). 

Prior to being elected, Patricia was Chair of the Central Fraser Valley Environmental Health Group, founder of the local Adopt-A-Block Committee and was Chair of the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Sustainability Committee.

 Awards and Accomplishments
  1. Abbotsford Restorative Justice Community Champion Award, 2015
  2. Abbotsford Youth Commission UROC Award for efforts in making a significant contribution to the lives of Abbotsford Youth, 2014
  3. Green Leader Award from the Abbotsford-Matsqui Rotary Club, 2014
  4. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award, 2012
  5. Woman of the Year Award from the Business & Professional Women’s Club of Abbotsford/Mission, 2009
  6.   Soroptimist Award in recognition of outstanding work to improve the lives of women, 2009
  7. Paul Harris Rotary Club Award for community work, 2007
  8. Certificate of Appreciation for “working to preserve air quality in the Fraser Valley” from the District of Mission Council, 2003
  9. Newsmaker of the Year Award from the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce, 2002
  10. Order of the Fraser Valley from a local community group, 2001
  11. Service Recognition Award from the Abbotsford Police Department Victim Services, 2001
  12. Environmental Watchdog Award from the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce, 1995