ARC HeRO Project

Project Type: Buildings & Facilities
Project Description

As a large civic facility with year-round operations of a pool and community centre and a seasonal arena, the Abbotsford Recreation Centre (ARC) is a significant source of carbon pollution for the City of Abbotsford. To support the City’s climate action goals in the Official Community Plan, the ARC Heat Recovery and Optimization (HeRO) Project was identified and aims to reduce energy use and carbon pollution while not only improving and extending the life of the City’s recreation assets, but also increasing patron comfort throughout the facility. Project elements include retrofitting the rec centre’s Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system, enhancing wheelchair pool lifts, and interconnection of all mechanical systems to save energy and efficiently share thermal (or heat) energy throughout the facility. These improvements are expected to reduce the facility’s energy consumption by an estimated 41.37% and greenhouse gas emissions by 455 tonnes annually.

Construction Details:

The HeRO project is a whole-building approach that will be completed in 6 phases, with the first two phases supporting new localized heat recovery systems in the aquatic centre and arena, and last four phases addressing building systems integration. 

Operational Impacts:

Disruptions to recreation centre operations and spaces will be kept to a minimum with work in public spaces scheduled to be completed outside of opening hours. When disruptions are unavoidable, patrons will be given as much advance notice as possible. Once completed, the project will improve the accessibility and comfort of patrons visiting the rec centre. 

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Abbotsford Recreation Centre, 2499 McMillan Road, Abbotsford BC


Project design kicked off in fall 2023 and accessibility improvements to the wheelchair pool lifts were completed at that time. Design is to be completed in Q2 2024 with construction beginning soon after. Construction is anticipated to be wrapped up in Q3 2025.

Funding Partners

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program. 

Name: Brian Poelman
Title: Project Engineer