City Files Notice of Claim

Setting the Record Straight

The following is being provided as additional information in relation to recent coverage in the Abbotsford News.
A lawsuit was filed this April by the City’s insurer against the Ledgeview Golf Club Society and their sub-lessee, Milic Holdings Ltd. 
As part of the insurance process, the City’s insurer has the ability to sue without consent in the City’s name, any third parties who the insurer feels may have contributed to the loss. The lawsuit alleges that Ledgeview and Milic contributed to financial loss by failing to adequately maintain the restaurant and clubhouse. As is typical in these claims, the insurer has cast a wide net in framing its claims to preserve any potential claims for recovery. The lawsuit was filed on the eve of the two year limitation period to preserve options.
The City of Abbotsford was not provided with any notice of the intention to file the lawsuit on our behalf, by the insurer.