BC Energy Step Code

The BC Energy Step Code is the Province’s new building energy code, involving a series of “Steps” representing improving energy performance levels. It measures the performance of different parts of the building, such as its airtightness level, envelope thermal performance, and mechanical equipment efficiency. The BC Energy Step Code will improve home comfort and air quality while reducing energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions from new buildings in Abbotsford.

BC Building Code 2018 Revision 5

BC Building Code 2018 Revision 5 was effective May 1, 2023 and applies to building permits applied for on or after May 1, 2023. The BC Building Code changes signed by the Minister of Housing in February 2023 will enable 20% better energy efficiency for new construction in Abbotsford and support the goals of the provincial CleanBC plan.

Details on BC Energy Step Code

Rebates and Incentives

Local builder, architect/designer or homeowner who’s looking to build a new home or renovating one are encouraged to take advantage of the current rebates and incentives offered. Upcoming rebates or incentives will be updated here as they become available.

Current Workshops and Webinars

February 19 - BC Home Energy Rebates for Single Family Homes
Are you hoping to upgrade your single-family home’s energy efficiency, or add renewable energy and EV charging? Join the Community Energy Association for a run-down of current rebates and incentives available in BC and tips for navigating the program requirements.
Reserve an online spot

Previous Workshops and Webinars