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Fire Mascot Sparky holding a smoke detector
This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!™” strives to educate everyone about the importance of having working... Read more
Fire fighter working on the fire truck
Interested in being part of the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service? Applications for Career Firefighters close October 25, 2024... Read more
Image of Fireworks are Banned
The City of Abbotsford has banned the sale, use, and discharge of fireworks.No person may offer for sale, sell, give or trade Fireworks within the Cit... Read more
Bedroom in a basement secondary suite
The program offers financial and regulatory incentives that make it attractive, fast, transparent, and less expensive to register a secondary suite, w... Read more
Order of Abbotsford and Community Champion winner 2024
The City of Abbotsford is pleased to recognize the outstanding lifetime achievements, excellence and dedication to the community of two Abbotsford res... Read more

Council & Committee Meetings

Emergency Preparedness - Prepare in a Year

This Prepare in a Year guideline will help you walk through 12 important steps for disaster preparedness. It’s as simple as completing one activity a…

Open Burning Permits

Open burning permits will be issued for the Fall season (October 1 - November 30) for agricultural waste in rural areas. Burning outside of these…